Psychopedagogical action plan to favor the socio-psychological climate from the Physical Education class (Original)



climate; sociopsychological, group; physical education; schoolchildren


This research is aimed at solving the shortcomings that arise in the development of the socio-psychological climate of sixth-grade schoolchildren at the Orlando Lara Batista Seminary of primary education, it is proposed as an objective, to develop a psycho-pedagogical action plan to favor a climate socio-psychological through Physical Education classes. For this, a diagnosis is made from the application of theoretical, empirical and statistical methods during the period 2019-2020 to a sample of 34 schoolchildren from group sixth A and five Physical Education teachers, which allows corroborating the need to elaborate psych pedagogical actions that favor the development of interpersonal relationships, teacher-student and student-student, the integration of the group and the satisfaction for carrying out the activities in the Physical Education class.


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How to Cite

Psychopedagogical action plan to favor the socio-psychological climate from the Physical Education class (Original). (2022). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 6(1), 162-173.