Community technical mini instructive for the production of bananas and bananas in patios and plots (Original)



banana; courtyards; community; agroecological practices


In Cuba, bananas and bananas are a matter of high priority within the national food program, due to their ability to produce every month of the year, their high productive potential, deep-rooted consumption habit and diversity of uses. The work was carried out in the community of the Cay of the Baire town council of the Contramaestre municipality in the Santiago de Cuba, as of November 2016, comprising 201 homes in the semi-urban perimeter with a total of 844 inhabitants, in the that most of the inhabitants do not have the knowledge to obtain acceptable production results, presenting as problematic that the application of science and technology in the production of bananas in this area is insufficient, which limits the production of larger volumes of the product . Considering the objective of developing a mini community technical instruction manual for the production of bananas and bananas in patios and plots, which served as a basis for a better understanding of the management of this crop in the aforementioned context, drawing intervention actions in the training of the community in function of achieving best agroecological practices. Considering the number of inhabitants, the bunches to be produced in the year, with an average weight of 8 kg, the needs of food at 14% are satisfied considering the FAO standard of 150 g of food per day per inhabitant. It also manages to ensure the application of technical requirements, to produce organic plantain locally, encouraging activity among the residents of the community.


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How to Cite

Community technical mini instructive for the production of bananas and bananas in patios and plots (Original). (2022). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 6(1), 152-160.