The superation of professionals of health: social innovation coherent with the local development (Original)



separation; professionals of the health; social innovation; intensive accompaniment; I develop local.


Results of the Institutional Project present Evaluation of the impact of the methodology for the development of the intellectual capital in the services of health themselves, running for Ciencias's University Medical of Guantánamo from 2018. With the bibliographic investigation and another fact-finding methods of the empiric levels, theoretician and the statistical mathematician obtained the primary data on the health-care professionals' intensive accompaniment himself, his referent theoreticians and the principal ideas that manage with regard to this matter systematized being identified the scientific problem in how contributing to his development in the overcoming like social coherent invention with the local development, as from what the present-day status of the problem could characterize itself. His solution focused on elaborating a politic of actions for the progress of the intensive accompaniment in the health-care professionals' overcoming, whose design proved to be favorable to rural mountainous communities' local development at the municipality itself El Salvador, according to the prexperiment's results, of mode than when being corroborated the fulfillment of the objective with users' opinion, Guantánamo considered a reliable option to give vent to the requests of implication in the local strategic development of the province himself to 2030. 


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How to Cite

The superation of professionals of health: social innovation coherent with the local development (Original). (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 6(1), 106-119.