The children's mini-story as an effective method of apprehending ethical and aesthetic values (Original)



ethics, aesthetics, literature, playful


This article critically analyzes some of the ideas related to children's literature, specifically one of the main functions of children's books: transmitting values. It is known that most genres contribute ethical values ​​to those who approach literary discourse with a critical sense, since, in principle, the act of reading is nothing but a critical activity. In the case of the children's mini-story, the critical sense goes to a second or third plane, because the child approaches literature in search of enjoyment through the playful function. However, it can be implemented as an effective tool in the hands of teachers. In order to use language with aesthetic intention, it is necessary to allow imagination, suggestion and originality to intervene, being clear that any resource to be used for this purpose must always be intentional. And so it happens in literature. In this sense, the research values ​​the importance of reading this genre of children's literature and its apprehension, which enables the achievement of behaviors related to society and the consolidation of the sociocultural identity of the individual in training.

Author Biography

  • Rafael Rodríguez Guerra, Universidad de Granma

    Lic.  Profesor instructor. Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma.


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How to Cite

The children’s mini-story as an effective method of apprehending ethical and aesthetic values (Original). (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(4), 107-117.