Emotional influence manifests in higher Education Students when using kahhot in the teaching-learning process. (Review)



emotions; emotional education; learning; technology; platform


The globalization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) shows enormous changing effects in the sociocultural and educational order, where institutions and teachers need to transform, change their work philosophy to assimilate and adapt to the transformations it generates. Changes in the participatory role of the teacher in the face of an educational model that transforms their mode of action and of relating to diversity, in a scenario where ICT does not reduce the figure of the teacher, it is strengthened as a mediator of the teaching-learning binomial, it confers greater meaning to it, it also ensures that students express an emotional stimulus in becoming aware of the new scenario they use to organize their learning. At the Catholic University of Santa María in Arequipa, a study is being promoted on the emotional influence manifested on students, during the teaching-learning process, through the use of technological tools, in particular the Kahoot platform, used in some subjects; From this perspective, a theoretical-practical assessment is carried out, research experience and a faculty with more than five years in the institution are used, results that are put to the consideration of the scientific community with access to this institutional setting as feedback of knowledge and obtain evaluations for its improvement.


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How to Cite

Emotional influence manifests in higher Education Students when using kahhot in the teaching-learning process. (Review). (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(1), 214-228. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/2230