Main causes of calves mortality in a cattle-based business unit. (Original)



calves, feeding, gastroenterical problems, handling, mortality


With the objective of analyzing the principal causes of mortality in calves and itsconditioning factors this study was carried on in the Basic Business Unit“26 de Julio”of the Genetic and Breeding Company from Jiguaní municipality, during the period of 2017and the first four months of 2019. For the realization of this research the SIE-C official models of final existence of cattle for categories, and the 621 model of mortality were consulted, checking the principal causes of death in the period and the proportional indexes. Mortality according to sex and climatic period were also determined. The conditioning factors of the matter were determined. The data processing was realized using the Microsoft Excel system and the STATGRAPHICST Centurion XV program. It was concluded that the fundamental causes of mortality of calves in the UEB July 26 are gastroenteric problems followed by enteritis and tympanism. Calf mortality was high, mainly in females, with no significant differences regarding the time of year.

Author Biographies

  • Ernando Castro Frías, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo, Cuba.

    Master en Ciencias. Profesor Auxiliar.

  • José Luis Pérez Arzuaga, Empresa Genética y Cría Manuel Fajardo. Jiguaní, Cuba.

    Medico de camp.

  • Yamila Sánchez Simoneau, Centro provincial de Higiene, Microbiología y Epidemiologia. Bayamo, Cuba.

    Master en Ciencias. Asistente.


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How to Cite

Main causes of calves mortality in a cattle-based business unit. (Original). (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(1), 203-213.

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