The textual historical analysis in Elena Martha García Adlington’s work (Review)
analysis; historical; work; textualAbstract
The scientific investigation is a process addressed to study and to know the reality, interpret, analyze it and make assessments, make arguments and derive new knowledge. This work is the result of the textual historical analysis which shows the remarkable work “Ventana Abierta a mi Vida” (Open window to my life) by the Trinitarian teacher Elena Martha Garcia Adlington (Nelly), in her you can appreciate the projection to society as a paradigm in the education in moral values and with a great emphasis in future and present day professional of pedagogical branches. The interest of highlighting her work comes from recognizing the wide possibility which has tol et know the situation of the Cuban school, teachers and society during the neocolonial period. When doing this study, it was known that she wrote few about the teaching and methodology, however, there was a Wide work in writing about the important of education when referring to the important of physical education for health, getting advanced to her times. This works also makes reference that she wrote different articles related to heroes and martyrs among them José Mendoza García (pepito) her only son murdered on November 1958 by the batistian army.
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