Public study: a tool to favor cultural processes (Review)



cultural processes; audiences; studies of audiences; culture


Public studies is a necessity to be able to provide a favorable service in museums and at the same time awaken interest in knowing the particularities that these institutions offer and achieve differentiated attention depending on the type of public that attends the activities there they develop. Its objective is to reveal the importance of public studies to favor cultural processes.
Knowledge about the publics of culture includes a wide range of different perspectives from the social sciences: from anthropology and aesthetics to psychology, pedagogy and, of course, sociology. Interest in public knowledge is not new but, in recent years, it has become a priority for cultural policies and institutions. It is the public that legitimizes and constitutes cultural policies, that gives meaning to the work of art, the reason for the existence of cultural institutions and programs. Studies claim that we know very little about cultural audiences. However, although the demand for information is notorious, the issue must be qualified and depends on the needs, objectives and resources that are had, the level of detail that is required, the type of information that is required, and the sector in question.

Author Biographies

  • Elio Víctor Torres Morales, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba

    Máster en Investigación Educativa. Profesor auxiliar

  • Eliecer Angel García Sosa, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba

    Máster en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesor auxiliar


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How to Cite

Public study: a tool to favor cultural processes (Review). (2020). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(1), 16-25.