Activities to strengthen knowledge of local anniversaries through the technique of tempers (Original)



local anniversary; graphic representation; tempers


The present work seeks to intrude in a topic related with the knowledge of the local history through the graphic representation, question this that presents difficulties in the students of fourth grade of the primary school William to be accustomed to Ledea. The same one has as objective the design of a group of activities to strengthen the knowledge of the local anniversaries through the technique of it tempers it. For the realization of the work methods of the theoretical level were used: analytic - synthetic, inductive - deductive and the modulation; of the empiric level: the observation, the interview, the survey, pedagogic experiment (pre - I experience) and in the statistical ones-mathematical (the percentage calculation as statistician). With the application of the proposal he/she strengthened the knowledge of the local anniversaries through the technique of it tempers it.

Author Biographies

  • Andrés Salvador Hidalgo Cabrera, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba

    Profesor Auxiliar. Centro Universitario Municipal Campechuela

  • Rafael Angel Cordoví Díaz, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba

    Centro Universitario Municipal Campechuela


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How to Cite

Activities to strengthen knowledge of local anniversaries through the technique of tempers (Original). (2020). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 4, 1118-1129.

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