The job of software, a challenge in the process of teaching-learning (Review)
software; to register; economical facts; accounting; abilities.Abstract
As present Information Technologies and Communications, its effects and reach overcome the limit of the information and the communication because they make it possible to obtain, storing, processing, manipulating and distributing with a lot of rapidity the information, from this perspective the educational software enables achieving a quantitative and qualitative jump in the technical training of the students as from its utilization, for the development of abilities. Present it investigation confronts like problem, the insufficiencies that manifest in the professional abilities in the students of the Accounting and Finance Career. The objective that is pursued with this investigation is the elaboration of an educational software for the development of the professional ability To Register economical facts in the students of the Accounting and Finance Career. This software responds to the functional structure of the professional ability To Register economical facts, structured in 4 games: Cuban accounting, Pyramid of the Register economical facts, account Balance and Efecticaja (Cash), the students receive a grade for the answers that they obtain with the interaraction of the software. They utilized methods, of theoretic level, empiric during the development of investigation and mathematical statisticians. The application of the educational software reveals the effectiveness of the same in the pedagogic practice.
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