Specialization vs interdisciplinary a bringing near from the focusing dialectic materialist (Review)


  • Erol Salazar Montero Universidad de Granma
  • Julio Quesada Izquierdo Universidad de Granma
  • Rafael García Sánchez Universidad de Granma


interdisciplinarity, essential relation, tendencies, knowledge


The interdisciplinary and the specialization are approaches that if they exclude themselves they also are combined. It´s interrelation assumed and utilized correctly is the base to build a conscious objective and pertinent didactic treatment of the knowledge at the service of real existence of the objects, processes, and phenomenon in the natural world. Howrver, not a lot of professors pay attention at the time of building a new knowledge. The present article has a great importance for the conception of the didactic treatment of the particular knowledge because of it analyzes the elements from the thong that prove the didactic character in the relationship that objectively are showmen among the speculation and the interdisciplinarity as well as the necessity of it´s observance in the process of building an integrated learning thought which constitutes it´s objective. This work represents a partial result in studies of the master´s degree.                                                                                                                                                                                                         


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How to Cite

Specialization vs interdisciplinary a bringing near from the focusing dialectic materialist (Review). (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 3(4), 188-198. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/1136