Results of the projet “Family psychopedagogical counseling on early education” developed at Metropolitana University from Ecuador (Review)


  • Ignacio García Álvarez Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador
  • Raisa Emilia Bernal Cerza Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador
  • Azucena Monserrate Macías Merizalde Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador


early education; family psychopedagogical guidance; comprehensive diagnosis; chachi indigenous community


Associated to the program "Empowerment for the formal and non-formal inclusive education in educational centers and communities of the region", at Metropolitan University of Ecuador, in the career of Early Education, it is developed the project of engagement, “family psychopedagogical counseling on Education”. The main goal of the project is to improve the conceptions and pedagogical work on formal and non-formal inclusive education in selected Primary Education Centers, with the participation of teachers and students of the career.The project's actions are focused on the Early Education Centers of the Parish of Nayón, with particular attention to the families of the Chachi indigenous community, whose living conditions are not favorable and children under the age of five do not attend the educational centers. In this sense, actions have been developed, among which the comprehensive diagnosis of the community stands out in order to establish needs and potentialities in order to elaborate educational actions for the improvement of formal and non-formal inclusive education. The partial results of the studies carried out are shown in this work.


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How to Cite

Results of the projet “Family psychopedagogical counseling on early education” developed at Metropolitana University from Ecuador (Review). (2019). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 15(3), 203-217.