Preschool inclussion from the approach of cultural diversity (Original)
inclusion; cultural diversity; preschool educationAbstract
All children without distinction of class must receive a quality education and warmth, as it is in the first years of life where their personality is cemented. Promoting the development of values in children makes a holistic education consolidate. The present investigation was carried out in the Intercultural Education Unit Mushuck Yachay, where the aim was to analyze the level of knowledge that teachers have in relation to inclusion and cultural diversity. The work has a quantitative approach, was taken as a sample to ten teachers of preschool education. In order to obtain the required information and subsequently represent its analysis, the structured multiple-choice survey and the interview were applied as a tool, where once the data had been processed, the possibility and reality of the teachers' work could be determined in the process studied. The work carried out made it possible to make known to the teachers of the school the apprehension of the allusive knowledge to the inclusion and cultural diversity and its relevance to work with the children from an early age, where the practice of the values that lead them to be active members for the recognition of school inclusion.
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