Legal regulations on inclusive tourism for people with disabilities in Ecuador. Application of the PRISMA method (Review).



inclusive tourism, disabled person, Prisma, legal regulations


People with disabilities face barriers that limit access to services and tourist destinations despite the intense efforts developed and a legal framework in the country that assists them. The article aims to show the coherence, clarity and applicability of legal regulations for inclusive tourism for people with disabilities in Ecuador, through an analysis of the available bibliography. A search was carried out in the Scopus, Scielo, Google Scholar databases and the official website of legal regulations in Ecuador, using the PRISMA declaration guidelines. 1,357 articles were found; after performing filters according to the title and objectives, a total of 128 articles and regulations were included in this research, which were recorded in a spreadsheet in drive; the items included in the PRISMA methodology checklist were applied to them, as a result, 12 articles and 6 national and international regulations were considered. The analysis confirms the clarity, coherence and applicability of the regulations on inclusive tourism in Ecuador, despite the existence of barriers that limit its widespread application in tourist services and destinations in the territory.


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Author Biography

  • Ninive Victoria Plua Parrales, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí. Ecuador.

    Magíster en Derecho. Abogada de los juzgados y tribunales de la República del Ecuador. Docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí. Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Legal regulations on inclusive tourism for people with disabilities in Ecuador. Application of the PRISMA method (Review). (2025). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 21(1), 519-533.