Microclimate modification with different types of organic mulch in cucumber cultivation (Cucumis sativus L.)
organic mulch; cucumber; yield; cash cropAbstract
The use of organic mulch has become an agro-sustainable practice that recovers the soil, increases beneficial soil microorganisms, retains moisture, maximizes productivity and quality, and reduces environmental damage. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of organic mulch on cucumber crop yield, in which a Latin square design was used with different types of organic mulch: without mulch, banana, straw and cocoa. The results showed that straw, cocoa and banana mulches improved the soil microclimate compared to the soil without mulch, which was reflected in the dependent variables evaluated, in which it turned out that all treatments with mulch outperformed the control. The straw mulch treatment predominated, followed by cocoa and banana, improving crop yields by up to 1 t ha-¹, which is associated as a viable alternative to increase productivity in a more economical and environmentally friendly way.
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