Project based learning impact on the development of professional skills (Original).
creativity; critical thinking; professional skills; collaborative methodology.Abstract
Project Based Learning is an educational strategy that focuses on problem solving and the practical application of knowledge. Its importance lies in its ability to develop professional skills relevant to today's world of work. The main objective lies in providing students with meaningful experiences that allow them to acquire in-depth knowledge and practical skills through real or simulated projects. The research used an applied-purpose methodology, with the purpose of generating practical knowledge that contributes to improving educational practice in professionals, it was classified as an exploratory and descriptive study, scientific research methods were used at the theoretical, empirical and mathematical statistician, which involved collaboration between students and teachers. The results obtained were significant, as the students developed a deeper understanding of the concepts by applying them in real contexts, improved their ability to manage projects, solve problems and work as a team, which makes them more prepared to face the challenges of the world of work. In addition, they encouraged autonomy and responsibility by taking an active role in their own learning. In conclusion, Project Based Learning is an effective educational strategy for the development of professional skills. By providing students with meaningful, Handson experiences, it prepares them to succeed in diverse and dynamic work environments, where the ability to problem-solve, work as a team, and communicate effectively are critical.
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