The formation of ability understanding reader in the subject of study spanish tongue of the third degree of the primary education (Original).
understanding reader; ability; didactic strategy; education would have priorityAbstract
The research responds to the problem related to the insufficiencies in the formation of the reading comprehension skill, limit the learning level of the Spanish Language in third grade students of the primary school: "Reinaldo Boris Luis Santa Coloma" of the Buey Arriba municipality. Its objective is the elaboration of a didactic strategy to favor the formation of the reading comprehension skill in the teaching - learning of the Spanish Language subject in third grade students of Primary School. Its most relevant results are: the characterization of the historical evolution of the aforementioned process from its assessment since 1959; the development of a strategy made up of stages with their corresponding actions. The sources consulted highlight this relationship as essential in the educational processes in Cuba, in order to achieve the maximum development of the individual as a social entity.
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