Methodology to define the egress attributes of the Electronic Engineering Program (Original).



egress attributes; accreditation; educational program; educational quality.


The objective of the work was to build the attributes of graduation of the educational program of the career of Electronic Engineering in the National Technological of Mexico Campus Minatitlan as part of the requirements for the achievement of the reaccreditation by the Council of Accreditation of The Teaching of Engineering, A.C. (CACEI) in December 2022 or February 2023, as scheduled by CACEI. It focuses on defining the attributes, analysis of the thematic contents of the subjects, graduation profile and attributions of the accreditation body, Understanding these as a set of evaluable results that indicate the potencial of the graduate in relation to the competence of the professional practice. The research is based on a quantitative and qualitative approach, with a level of descriptive research. As a result, 7 egress attributes were constructed in which their contribution to each subject related to these attributes was analyzed and the results indicate that they contribute to the "average" assessment level with 44.28%, at the "introductory" level with 29.71% and at the "high" level with 16.85%, it was also found that most specialty subjects contribute more to the high level in attributes. What is shared here shows the impact and value of taking a look inside professional educational programs to evaluate them and measure educational quality, especially if this quality is evaluated by an accreditation body.


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Author Biographies

  • Flor de Azalia López Robles, TecNM Instituto Tecnológico de Minatitlán. Veracruz. México.

    Ingeniero Electrónico. Profesor Titular.

  • Elsa Noemi Palomo Morales, TecNM Instituto Tecnológico de Minatitlán. Veracruz. México.

    Dr. en Educación. Profesor Titular.

  • María Concepción Villatoro Cruz, TecNM Instituto Tecnológico de Minatitlán. Veracruz. México.

    Máster en Tecnología Educativa. Profesor Titular.


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How to Cite

Methodology to define the egress attributes of the Electronic Engineering Program (Original). (2022). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 18(4), 350-373.