Motivational stimulation. A didactic perspective from the psycho-pedagogical component in the university physical training (Essay)



motivational stimulation, psycho-pedagogical component, didactic perspective.


One of the problematical that focus the attention of the scientist community and the university physical training is the preparation of the teacher to deal with psycho-pedagogical component through lessons. For this reason, this work is aimed at stimulating motivational from a didactic view. In this research the author studied not only national bibliography but also international ones. The main objective of this work is to analyze theoretical support of this problem in the physical training as a discipline in universities in the “E” plan for the students of psychology – pedagogy career to conceive the process in physical training lesson in high level. The permanent professional investigation allow teacher to diagnose the students and use new methods and techniques for teaching through the relation between cognitive and affective content. Keys words: Motivational stimulation, psycho-pedagogical component, didactic perspective. Introducción


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The Pointer

How to Cite

Motivational stimulation. A didactic perspective from the psycho-pedagogical component in the university physical training (Essay). (2022). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 18(2), 557-575.