Social Need for the Use the Transfermovil (BPA registration) for the Payment of Services. (Original)



transfermovil; payment of services; computerization of the society; system of actions


The use of application the vile Transfermovil for the payment of the principal services ( water, electricity, refill of telephones and own cards ) favors the process of computerization of the society Cuban specially at a municipality belonging to the Plan Turquino's mountainous zone: Buey Arriba, besides contributes in care of the health of the people as from the Covid's affectations – 19 avoiding people's crowds, house's unnecessary exits as well as the flowing exchange of the cash. They approach the referents more important theories of the identified problems in the realized study and a system of actions to increment his utilization that a basic tool for the work to develop constitutes so much for the officials of the Popular Bank in terms of his promotion same as for the potential users is contributed.  The assessment of the effectiveness of the system of actions his applicability because you offer a most comfortable experience to the hour to try to obtain payments passes as from the application of the pre-experiment, being feasible and effective.


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Author Biographies

  • Niurmila Leticia Núñez Chacón, Banco Popular de Ahorro. Buey Arriba, Cuba.

    Gerente Comercial.

  • Sandy Rodríguez Sosa, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo, Cuba.

    Máster en Contabilidad Gerencial. Prof. Auxiliar.


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How to Cite

Social Need for the Use the Transfermovil (BPA registration) for the Payment of Services. (Original). (2021). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 18(1), 291-303.