The Work with the National Symbols since the Discipline Study of the Environment. (Original)



patria; patriotism; symbol, national symbols; study of the environment


The present work derives from a broader Civic Education project, aimed at children, adolescents, youth and adults, that the Office for Citizenship and Civil Society carries out in the scope of its activities. The homeland is a large family, and it is unacceptable that students at the end of primary school do not know the national symbols, the representative figures of Angolan culture and their meaning. This is the basic principle of their formation. It contains a proposal of methodological suggestions to work the national symbols and figures representative of the Angolan culture from the discipline Study of the Environment in the first degree. Therefore, it constitutes a didactic tool available to students in training and teachers capable of increasing and motivating the work in the formation of a more enlightening awareness of the National Identity with regard to national symbols, mainly linked to its history, through a Teaching Process Learning Developer. To strengthen the patriotic spirit through the study of the patriotic symbols and figures representing Angolan culture, which are sources of information and are inserted in the school curriculum, so that children can learn more about the country in which they were born, and, at the same time, cultivating and reviving patriotism among the Angolans is a priority in the daily work of each teacher, in order to carry out his or her formative work. The manifestation of feelings, attitudes and values as part of the integral formation of the personality, will show success if the professional is able to critically reflect on his own practice.


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Author Biography

  • Anibal Marrero Zamora, Instituto Superior de Ciencias da Educação. ISCED- UIGE. Angola.

    Máster em Ciencias da Educação. Prof. Auxiliar.


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How to Cite

The Work with the National Symbols since the Discipline Study of the Environment. (Original). (2021). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 17(3), 275-295.