Estrategia comercial de la Industria Local Alimenticia en función del desarrollo local de Buey Arriba (Revisión)
Palabras clave: Industria Local Alimenticia; gestión comercial; desarrollo local; estrategia comercialResumo
Analysis and strategic diagnosis of The Nutritious local industry yielded deficiencies that have an effect on the process of commercial management, like music: Insufficient containers to store preserves, transportation is insufficient, difficulties in the extraction of the finished output, the delivery of raw materials for his transformation and deficient conditions of employment is not diversified. After of once an evaluation of these deficiencies was accomplished it took place to the following findings: The policy of deal referred to the supplier of agricultural products for the same is once Acopio's Company of the territory without the possibility to hire another necessary product out of the locality, was limited to. The quality of the elaborate productions is affected largely for the use of an obsolete technology, the minimal hygienic sanitary conditions in areas of production, the utilization of containers made suitable for his conservation. You provoke fulfillments of the payments with the terms contracted for in the cost-reducing deal causing that the entity incurs in non-payments that the production and the Company's economy affect in addition to the centralization of the payments to the suppliers.
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