Training of local actors: a need for promoting local development (Review)


  • José Martínez Martínez Universidad de Holguín


training; local actors; Local development


Analytical - synthetic and inductive - deductive methods were used, and as a technique the interview with government cadres and delegates in exercise. Its development is based on the studies carried out by the author as part of his thesis of the Master's Degree in Local Socioeconomic Development of the Center for the Study of Direction and Local Development -CEDDEL- of the University of Granma. An analysis is made from what is legally established regarding the training of local actors and their compliance. It arrives at the conclusions that the training of local actors in the territory is necessary, there are conditions, according to the legal bases that regulate the work to develop the training of local actors, at all levels of the territory, but the current behavior shows the breach of the Legal Ontology and its manifestation in the legality, the realization of the Law and the axiology of Law.


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How to Cite

Training of local actors: a need for promoting local development (Review). (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 3(2), 48-59.