Website: The Apostle, an approach to his life and work (Original)
psychological categories; cms; website; educational website; psychologyAbstract
This work responds to the demands of a thorough study of the life and work of our National Apostle, supported by the use of the Programs of the Revolution and the transformations that take place in the country with the aim of optimizing the teaching process learning highlighting the role of our heroes and martyrs for the formation of values in all generations of Cubans and especially in the younger generations. The objective pursued is the development of a Website on specific details of the life and work of José Martí, the footprint left by it in the municipality of Manzanillo and especially its connection with psychology and some of its categories, thus contributing to the dissemination of some little-known references in these areas. The fundamental contribution is of a practical nature and constitutes the Web Site to raise knowledge in relation to the personality of José Martí and contribute to a greater affective approach of his legacy.
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