The vital organ donation act in audiovisuals. A case study in Manzanillo (Original)


  • Maricela Pérez Escalona Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma
  • Lidia Sánchez Gómez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma
  • Migdalis Pérez Santisteban Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico “Celia Sánchez Manduley”


vital organ donation act; audiovisual genres; performing subject; movie diegesis; understanding


The power of audiovisuals to build up an interpretation in favor of the vital organ donation act exceeds the limits of the trivial use of advertising campaigns. The scrutinizing of audiovisual media related to the treatment of this generous gesture corroborates that though a magnificent commercial may contribute to such social sensitization, television reports, documentaries and movies as genres have greater  media power for the need of this type of messages  to be understood.  The general aim of this presentation is to back up the media and communicational influence of audiovisuals in understanding the vital organ donation act.  The specific aims are to analyze and compare the influence of television genres among the Manzanillo people involved in a donation and transplantation process since 2010 up to 2016. In order to verify the value of these genres, there are used data making up the record gathered up through a case study being carried out in Manzanillo entitled “Meanings of the vital organ donation act”. The study is developed from the precepts of Sociology and combines the macrosocial and the microsocial. There are used ethnographic observation techniques, focal groups, life stories and thorough interviews.  The most significant outcome: it was verified the capacity of audiovisuals and their genres to cause among spectators: subject/performing actor – now in the role of vital organ donor- a mimetic attitude, effect from the television and movie diegesis.  


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How to Cite

The vital organ donation act in audiovisuals. A case study in Manzanillo (Original). (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 3(1), 146-153.