Environmental characterization of Peralejo Integral Forest Farms in Bayamo, Granma (Original)
integrated forest farms; environmental characterization; silvicultural treatmentsAbstract
The work was carried out in the La Palma, El Eucalipto and Sabaneta Integrated Forest Farms located in the town of Peralejo, in areas surrounding the University of Granma, belonging to the municipality of Bayamo, Granma province; with the objective of characterizing the environmental situation in the aforementioned farms. The farms have a diverse component vertebrate fauna, formed by three Class: Birds (10 orders, 16 families, 22 genera and 23 species), Reptilia (one order, four families, five genera and nine species) and Amphibia (one order, three families, equal number of genera and four species). In the three farms the Mimosaceae family is reported as the richest, with a total of four genera and an equal number of species, both for La Palma and El Eucalipto and three genera and an equal number of species for Sabaneta. The deficient use of silvicultural treatments has favored an increase in the diversity of the flora in the plantations, being the Sabaneta farm the one with the greatest diversity of species; There is a predominance of herbaceous (Cynodon rufescens, Sida rhombifolia, Panicum maximum), as well as Dichrostachys glomerata, the latter being the one with the highest value index of ecological importance (IVIE). The main species of each plantation occupy intermediate places in the distribution of relative abundance (Sabaneta Lysiloma bahamensis occupies the seventh place among nine species, The Eucalyptus the homonymous species is located in the fifth place among 12 species and in La Palma Albizia procera occupies a second position among 14 species).
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