Conservation Strategy for the Semi-Deciduous Forest on Limestone of Punta de Piedra (Original)
semideciduous; biodiversity; conservation and sustainableAbstract
The work was carried out in the semi-deciduous forest on limestone soil of the locality "Punta de Piedra" belonging to the National Company for the Protection of the Flora and Fauna of Pilón, with the aim of proposing a conservation strategy. For it, the current state of forest biodiversity conservation was diagnosed; the floristic and structural diversity of the vegetation was evaluated and the tree biodiversity conservation strategy was formulated. For this, a stratified floristic inventory was made from a plot of 500 m2, in which the dasometric data were taken, as well as its structure and diversity. As a result, the most representative families were Fabaceae, Boraginaceae, Mimosaceae and Sapindaceae. The density of individuals per hectare behaved similarly in the fragment since the most affected diametric classes were those corresponding to the stages of latizal and mature fustal, as an indicator of the degree of anthropization of the forest. The low regeneration of the forest was reaffirmed as there was no greater percentage of individuals with sprouts in the fragment, which makes the development of natural regeneration of the climatic species impossible. The strategy of conservation of forest biological diversity of the forest emphasizes in empowering the training of workers of the research center, in the conservation of the potentialities of its biodiversity, instituting sustainable forest management with emphasis on conservation and development the ecological forest restoration of the forest.
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