System of actions for the restoration of the mangrove ecosystem in the district of El Palmar (Original)
coastal ecosystem; mangrove; system of actions; environmental education.Abstract
The research referred to in this article was carried out in the El Palmar district, a community belonging to the municipality of Manzanillo, during the months between September 2023 and April 2024. Its objective was to propose a system of actions that would contribute to the restoration of the mangrove ecosystem in the area. It was carried out in four fundamental stages: diagnosis, fieldwork, design and execution, and evaluation of the system of actions. Scientific research techniques and methods (theoretical and empirical) were used to ensure qualitatively superior results. The information obtained from the application of different instruments was processed through the SPSS version 21 statistical package for Windows. The main results show the relevance of the research, taking into account the importance of this ecosystem for the municipality of Manzanillo. It also revealed the need to carry out extension work that contributes to raising awareness about its care, conservation and recovery. The rescue of the ecosystem in the community constituted an essential element that required the work, from the interrelation between science and society, with the exchange of experiences.
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