Criteria for recruitment and selection of teachers in the public competition in Cabinda province, Angola (Original)



teacher selection; external recruitment; internal recruitment; Provincial Department of Education.


The recruitment and selection process for staff is one of the key human resource management practices for achieving the objectives of an area of work. It is in this sense that this approach is intended to focus on the methods used by the Provincial Department of Education in Cabinda to recruit and select new teachers. For this reason, the following research question was raised: what recruitment criteria should be applied at the Provincial Department of Education for the selection of teachers in Cabinda? In this sense, the following objective was outlined: To argue how the effectiveness of the methodology used for the recruitment and selection of teachers at the Provincial Secretariat of Education in Cabinda, Angola, can be validated. Methodology: this is a qualitative study, using a combination of various scientific methods, such as: historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, critical analysis of documents and statistical. The results obtained point to a level of disagreement and dissatisfaction among the respondents regarding the lack of specialized technicians to ensure the recruitment and selection criteria in the public competitions held by the Provincial Department of Education. 

Author Biographies

  • José Zau Soca Comprido, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação de Cabinda. Angola.

    Licenciado em Ciências da Educação, opção Pedagogia. Mestre em Metodologias de Ensino.

  • Luís de Purificação Lubendo, Universidade Cuito Cuanavale. Angola.

    Licenciado em Ensino de Biologia.


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How to Cite

Criteria for recruitment and selection of teachers in the public competition in Cabinda province, Angola (Original). (2024). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 8(4), 198-213.

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