Evaluation of the energetic step at the drying room, “Emilio Lastre” of the province Granma (Original)


  • Ania Vilma Carballosa-De la Paz Universidad de Granma
  • Elizabeth Venedo-Faxa Secadero Cayo Redondo “Emilio Lastre”


Energy, production


The present work was carried out in the Basic Unit of Emilio Ballast of Yara, belonging to the I FELL Rice Fernando Echenique". In this they were kept in mind the basic elements of the Technology of Efficient Total Administration of the Energy. The main obtained results were the following ones: the correlation coefficient R2=0,90 according to the variables evaluated energy-production; what means that this it can be the indicator used to evaluate the level of energy administration of this unit. Also when evaluating the consumptions of electric power vs production, you determine that a good behavior exists among these elements. For other it was also valued the current energy state of both entities, where he/she was proven that the basic unit Emilio Ballasts it presents a faulty behavior as for the consumption index of 14 to 17 L·t-1, that is to say the certain average was of 23,7 L·t-1 dried rice.






How to Cite

Evaluation of the energetic step at the drying room, “Emilio Lastre” of the province Granma (Original). (2018). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 1(1), 72-83. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/468