Evaluation of productivity of the Kioti tractor and a disc plow on farm 15 (Original)
tractor; agricultural machinery; regulation; technological indices.Abstract
The correct management of the machinery and tractor fleet is vital to ensure the efficient use of energy sources, implements and agricultural machinery. Therefore, knowledge, determination and evaluation of exploitation rates becomes essential. The article aimed to evaluate the work productivity and field efficiency of an agricultural set formed by a Kioti model PX 1002 tractor and a four-disc plow on the experimental farm of the Higher Polytechnic Institute of Cuanza Sul. To carry out the investigation, standards for technological and exploration assessment were used. The instructions and methodologies set out in specialized literature were also taken into account. They were carried out on an irregular and flat soil, with a high degree of herbs. The length and average width of the field were 400 by 200 m respectively. The results showed that the utilization coefficients of width, speed and working time are acceptable, with values of 1,14; 0,87 and 0,78 respectively. However, real labor productivity (2,67 ha jornada-1) and field efficiency (0,66) are low. Finally, it is concluded that, having analyzed the technological and exploration indicators of the studied set, it can be stated that the reasons why some of them did not reach adequate magnitudes are due to violations in the technical - organizational and regulatory measures regarding the maintenance of tractor and experience of the operator of the set.
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