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The museum and its management in the processes of conservation and interpretation of cultural heritage (Original)



management process; conservation and interpretation of cultural heritage; municipal museum; cultural institutions.


In the processes of conservation and heritage interpretation management, the application of alternatives that contribute to the integration of the agents involved, from which both the institution and the community benefit, should be considered. The purpose of the article is to elaborate an action plan that allows, from the Municipal Museum of Pilón, a greater community participation in the management of the processes of conservation and interpretation of cultural heritage in the territory. For this purpose, weaknesses were identified with the use of theoretical, empirical and statistical methods. In the execution of the action plan, greater acceptance was obtained from the participants in the research, based on the articulation between the processes of management, conservation and interpretation of the cultural heritage. The results also show that, in spite of the difficulties identified in the museum, alternatives are sought that favor working relations with the community and the rest of the cultural institutions of the territory.

Author Biographies

  • Rolando Fonseca Arias, CUM Pilón. Universidad de Granma. Pilón. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciado en Marxismo Leninismo e Historia. Licenciado en Estudios Socioculturales. Máster en Ciencias de la Educación. 

  • Franklin Alarcón Reyes, CUM Pilón. Universidad de Granma. Pilón. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciado en Sociología.

  • Reinaldo Rodríguez Castillo, CUM Pilón. Universidad de Granma. Pilón. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciado en Educación Laboral. Máster en Ciencias.


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Delgado, F. (2023, mayo 18). Museos: palacios del conocimiento y la memoria. Habana Radio: La voz del patrimonio cubano.

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Rodríguez, A.M. & Mateus, J. M. (2013). Una propuesta para el tratamiento de los temas de gestión de información en la carrera de informática para la gestión en la Universidad de Cuito Cuanavale. Revista Humanidades Médicas, 13(3).







How to Cite

The museum and its management in the processes of conservation and interpretation of cultural heritage (Original) . (2023). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 8(2), 1-16.

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