Use of Pinus maestrensis bisse in the mountainous massif of the Guisa silvicultural unit (Original)
timber production; workday; short; Low impactAbstract
With the objective of developing a strategy to carry out the codes for the use of Pinus maestrensis Bisse in the mountainous massif of the Guisa Silvicultural Unit, the production of wood was characterized, the use of the working day, the cutting tasks were planned. based on low impact principles. As a result, it was obtained that in the felling, the chainsaw operators and those in charge of extracting the wood did not take into account the negative impacts caused by the fall of the trees, incorrect cuts were applied to 13% of the trees, causing the loss of wood were 8.64 m3/ha. The exploitation that was carried out has a destructive nature. There is little forest-industry integration, low use of the forest potential, the use of the working day was 77.09%. The proposed strategy insists on exhaustive planning of harvesting operations, as well as on the planning of complementary work after felling.
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