Participation of the families to pay attention to their children under conditions of the home (Original)


  • Evelín Montero-Hechavarría Dirección Municipal de Educación Jiguaní
  • Dora Silvia v Centro Universitario Municipal Jiguaní
  • Yanetsi Pérez-Milanés Círculo Infantil Soldadito de Plomo


to qualify, preparation, families, community, communities


The present article has the purpose of specifically reflecting the fulfillment of one of the current demands of Cuban education; the active participation of families in the Educate your Child Program, in order to achieve the preparation of families and that they play their leading role in household conditions. Educational messages are offered that facilitate the preparation of families to achieve the proper behavior of their children. It is concluded that as a result of the preparation, the participants acquire the necessary knowledge for family participation in the education of children from a young age.

Author Biographies

  • Evelín Montero-Hechavarría, Dirección Municipal de Educación Jiguaní

    Profesora Asistente

  • Dora Silvia v, Centro Universitario Municipal Jiguaní

    Profesora Asistente






How to Cite

Participation of the families to pay attention to their children under conditions of the home (Original). (2018). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 2(2), 144-156.