The fair Programs of Development Park Granma (Review)



leisure; preserving; developing; surroundings; I mediate ambient


The investigation will allow designing a project of rehabilitation and revival in the National Concern for the Protection of the Flora and the Fauna in Granma, that you establish new ways to strengthen the entity's financial health. At the same time fomenting new expectations of recreation and leisure for the population and his visitors, strengthening the cost-reducing administrative activities, making easy his fulfillment of organized form that way, logic and coherent. Contributing positively with the challenges proposed by the government, having better efficiency and quality of the operations the ones that revert in respect to the town.

Author Biographies

  • Tania Pacheco Durán, Universidad de Granma

    Licenciada en Contabilidad y Finanzas. Instructor. Profesora de sistema de información para el contador

  • Irela Cedeño Vargas, Grupo Empresarial Flora y Fauna

    Licenciada en Contabilidad y Finanzas. Coordinadora Grupo Empresarial Flora y Fauna. Bayamo

  • Gustavo Luis Vázquez García, Universidad de Granma

    Licenciado en Contabilidad y Finanzas. Profesor auxiliar. Profesor de auditoria. Facultad de Ciencias Económica y Sociales


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How to Cite

The fair Programs of Development Park Granma (Review). (2020). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 4, 1023-1031.