System of activities to strengthen the learning of the History of Cuba during the stage of the Revolution in the Power (Original)



system of activities; learning history of cuba; revolution in the power


The History that is studied in the University should assume the integral value of this science and contribute to the reinforcement of the national identity, the self- respect and the individual and social esteem, as well as increasing the cultural quality and becoming a regulative agent for the man´s life, so as to input a human lesson due to its educative condition, because the History allows the man to build up his own social meanings and have it as the main source of knowledge. Nowadays, some teaching strategies have been set up to guide the learning process of the History of Cuba in the University. They guarantee the teachers´ training and their researching methods to increase the quality of the class and the students´ learning. This current teacher´s material shows a system of activities that strengthens the contents´ learning level in the stage of the Revolution in the power through the subject History of Cuba. Some methodological viewpoints are presented so as to deepen in the study of historical elements, standing out main about the teaching of History based on the analysis of historical documents.  The activities are inserted in the local history in order to contribute to the preparation of teachers in the achievement of an educative incorporation, emphasizing in the quality of the Cuban education. 

Author Biographies

  • Mailen Julia Pérez González, Universidad de Granma

    Instructor, Máster en Ciencias de la Educación, Profesor de Historia en el Departamento de Historia y Marxismo – Leninismo

  • Sonia Videaux Videaux, Universidad de Granma

    Profesora Titular, Doctora en Ciencias Filosóficas, Directora de Historia y Marxismo Leninismo


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How to Cite

System of activities to strengthen the learning of the History of Cuba during the stage of the Revolution in the Power (Original). (2020). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 4, 772-781.