Systematization of experiences: Diploma in local development management (Original)
Systematization; Diploma; Development; Management; Training; Territory.Abstract
This research has focused on a critical analysis and interpretation of what has been done in capacity building for the management of Socio-Economic Development Strategies in the Granma Territory; from the systematization of experience in the Diploma in Local Development Management; whose objectives are: Analyze the success factors that contribute to the sustainability of the diploma and identify the fundamental elements that, from the design of the diploma course, contribute to the development of the territory. The design of the diploma has allowed the formation of skills that contribute to the development of the territory, such as: Elaborate the strategic diagnosis of the municipalities. Promote the grounded proposal of local development strategies aimed at solving the problems of local socio-economic development. Implementation of the strategy through the Integral Development Plan of the municipality. Adapt the criteria and methods for financial and social evaluation to local development projects. Base and evaluate investment projects from the point of view of their profitability and social relevance for the company, the locality, the territory and the country. Critically evaluate the experience of cooperativism in Cuba in the light of the cooperative principles of the International Cooperative Alliance (ACI). Analyze the main factors that limit cooperative management and possible solutions. Know the basic elements for the constitution of cooperatives of first degree and cooperatives of superior degree. Analyze the influence of the cooperative movement on local development.