Evaluation of occupational risks and their impact on the operational efficiency of ECU 911 Portoviejo (Original)



welfare; risk prevention; occupational safety; operational efficiency


The main objective of this research was to evaluate occupational risks and their impact on operational efficiency at ECU 911 Portoviejo, Ecuador. The importance of this study was to improve working conditions so that operators can offer a quick and efficient response to emergencies, guaranteeing safe and healthy working environments. A methodology with a quantitative approach was used; it was considered descriptive and worked on a conceptual basis. Its purpose was applied; it was provided a clear and precise profile of the object of study. The Historical-logical method allowed understanding the evolution and relevance of occupational risk management and its impact on operational efficiency; the Analysis-synthesis method was used to learn about occupational, physical and psychological risks; and surveys contributed to data collection. The Mathematical statistical method was used to quantify the data using statistical techniques and to evaluate the frequency, intensity and variability of the risks. The results showed that risks not only affect the health and safety of workers, but also have a direct impact on the institution's ability to respond efficiently to emergencies and coordinate actions. It is concluded that the identification, evaluation and control of occupational risks are not only fundamental to protect the health and safety of workers, but they have a direct impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of safety operations as well.


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Author Biographies

  • Rita Cecibel Pillasagua Cedeño, Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López. Calceta. Ecuador.

    Ingeniera en Auditoría - Contador Público. Maestría en Gestión Pública. Docente Universitario en la Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López. Calceta. Ecuador.

  • Mildred del Carmen Hernández Rivadeneira, Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López. Calceta. Ecuador.

    Magister en Administración de Empresas. Ingeniera en Contabilidad y Auditoría. Docente Universitario en la Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López. Calceta. Ecuador.  


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How to Cite

Evaluation of occupational risks and their impact on the operational efficiency of ECU 911 Portoviejo (Original). (2024). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 21(1), 376-391. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/roca/article/view/4894