Influence of vertical temperature gradient in the accuracy of atmospheric refraction in lateritic deposits (Original).
refraction, vertical temperature gradient, trigonometric leveling, precision, lateritic deposits.Abstract
From the problem that presents the precision of the heights of the points determined by the trigonometric leveling method, in literary deposits of the north of Holguin, the need arises to assess the influence that the vertical temperature gradient exerts on the accuracy of the refraction. atmospheric. It is evident that the vertical temperature gradient exerts a great influence on the determination of the refraction coefficient, a fact that causes errors to be made in the determination of the unevenness. The measurement period must range between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., where values of δ=0.035 °/m are reached, less than 0.2 °/m, which is the maximum value to consider the best condition for observations. It should not be measured in the intervals from 12:00 to 15:00, because large errors can be obtained in the trigonometric leveling. The results show that the air temperature and the refraction coefficient, both during the day and at night, are inversely proportional. In periods of high daytime temperatures, refraction is more stable.
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