Preparatory Actions of Educational Supervisors for the Conduction of Formative Processes in Medical Sciences (Original).
preparatory actions; educational Supervisors; conduction of formative processes.Abstract
The procedures followed in this study correspond themselves with give them a pedagogic investigation. An initial diagnosis to determine the initial status of the problem in the period January came true - May of 2019. With the diagnosis plus the authors' investigating experience identified him an insufficient correlated preparation a deficient capability of self-management of knowledge and a poor person development of directing abilities in the preparation of the educational squares, proof of a contradiction between the social request to utilize the educational sciences for the jump in the preparation of the educational squares put in the center in the conduction of the formative processes in Medical Sciences’ Faculty and the inefficacy of the actions that develop in the overcoming of the pictures. In consonance, the scientific problem became manifest how contributing to the preparation of educational squares for the conduction of the formative university processes in in Medical Sciences’ Faculty. The object needed study in the overcoming of educational squares itself, setting oneself in the overcoming of the educational squares your objective to design a policy of actions, benefactors of his preparation for the conduction of formative processes in medical sciences, which contributed to solving the scientific identified problem.
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