Paleontology: a look at ancestors to understand human behavior (Essay).



paleontology; human evolution; behavior; educational institution


It shows how Paleontology reconstructs the morphological and adaptive modifications experienced by beings throughout geological time, from different disciplines and its contribution to the knowledge of human evolution. In this context, we reflect on the key information that can guide any communication on human evolution: what characterizes us as a species within the animal kingdom; how, when, where and through whom the processes of hominization occurred; and why they occurred. Likewise, the importance of these scientific contributions for the understanding of the student's behavior in the integrating processes developed in educational institutions is valued.


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The Pointer

How to Cite

Paleontology: a look at ancestors to understand human behavior (Essay). (2022). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 18(2), 576-591.

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