Computer science competitions in high school (Original).



cuban computer science olympiad, algorithmic programming, online judge, training for programming competitions.


The Cuban Informatics Olympiad is a contest promoted by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cuba and among its objectives is to promote the study of programming and algorithms in students of pre-university education. The competition has different stages ranging from the school level to the national contest. The structure and format of algorithmic programming skills and main characteristics are analyzed. In recent years, the coding contest has been revamped with the use of an instance of Don Mills Online Judge, an open source online judge. This has allowed the event to be held simultaneously from all the country's provinces, which has been a challenge for students and teachers from the participating Cuban schools.


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Author Biography

  • Hebert Hechavarría Morales, IPVCE “Silberto Álvarez Aroche”. Bayamo. Cuba.

    Licenciado en Educación. Especialidad Informática.


Arteaga Salgado, F. (2016). Módulo para juzgar soluciones con las reglas de la Olimpiada Internacional de Informática en el Juez Caribeño en Línea. Trabajo de Diploma par a optar por el título de Ingeniero Informático.

Erdősné Németh, Á. (2018). Grading Systems for Algorithmic Contests. Olympiads in Informatics(12), 159-166

Hernández, F. (2008). Metodología para el entrenamiento de los estudiantes de preuniversitario que participan en concursos de informática. Tesis en opción del grado científio de doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas.

MINED. (2004). Programa de Informática Educativa. La Habana.

MINED. (Julio de 2007). Resolución Ministerial No. 91. La Habana.

Revilla, M. A. (2008). Competitive Learning in Informatics: The UVa Online. 1, 132. Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.

Revilla, M. A., Manzoor, S., & Liu R. (2008). The UVa Online Judge Experience. Olympiads in Informatics. Competitive Learning in Informatics(2), 131-148.






How to Cite

Computer science competitions in high school (Original). (2022). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 18(2), 167-177.