Perception of risk on the covid-19 in adolescents with intellectual disabilities with light operation (Original)


  • Lester Hidalgo Alvarez Universidad de Camagüey “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz”. Cuba.
  • Jorge Francisco Pardillo Palomino. Universidad de Camagüey “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz”. Cuba.


perception of risk, adolescence, intellectual disabilities, covid-19


The present article is an effort to evaluate the perception of risk that the adolescents possess with intellectual disabilities with light operation on the since Covid-19 this vulnerable group it is in a marked disadvantage before the social limitations that it imposes this pandemic and its dependence caused by its disabilities. From this perspective, is carried out a descriptive exploratory study in the adolescents of the School of Special Education “José Luis Tassende of the Dolls” in the city of Camagüey; the taken sample belonged to 28 adolescents that it coincides with the population of the center. They are explored and they pick up variables of interest like: level of knowledge that have on this virus, social representation on the infection for Covid-19, perception of risk on the Covid-19; as well as the behavior before the measures of hygiene to avoid the infection for Covid-19. The obtained results allowed the design of a system of activities for the improvement of the perception of risk in these adolescents.


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How to Cite

Perception of risk on the covid-19 in adolescents with intellectual disabilities with light operation (Original). (2022). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 18(2), 104-126.