The suggestopedia in English language teaching. (Review)
suggestopedia; teaching-learning methods; studentsAbstract
Suggestopedia is a teaching methodology that focuses on both the teaching content and the learning environment, which acquires a singular meaning by breaking with all ties of the traditional and facilitating the creation of a climate of suggestion for learning. This way the teaching process is not only aimed at the conscious attention of the student, but also at the unconscious. It is an important aspect that the researchers of this work take into account, from verifying that the teachers of the Brother Miguel Educational Unit in the city of Latacunga who teach English, the insufficient knowledge about this methodology and with its implementation in classes, they can achieve dynamism, improve the didactics and reach higher levels of learning on the students of fourth basic. On the basis of these considerations, researchers set out as an objective: to base the importance of knowledge of suggestopedia as a teaching method for learning the English language, from the creation of environments favorable to increase the ability to retain information and promote a positive expectation on students.
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