Ethical aspects in the prescription of drugs for the dependents of pharmacies


  • Roberth Olmedo Zambrano Santos Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí and Instituto Tecnológico Superior Portoviejo
  • Johanna Mabel Sánchez Rodríguez Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí and Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí
  • Margoth Elizabeth Villegas Chiriboga Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Palabras clave:

ethics; prescription; drugs; dependents; pharmacies


The present work aims at evaluating the prescription of drugs for the dependents of pharmacies. The problem consists in the sale of drugs without medical prescription. The population was constituted by 255 dependents of pharmacies of five Ecuadorian provinces (Manabí, Guayas, Pichincha, El Oro and Loja). The validity of the instrument was carried out by means of survey and experts’ opinion, composed of a multi-disciplinary group of 12 health professionals. The obtained results arrived at 243 pharmacies (54.32%) did not ask about the patient health antecedent, and 110 (49.5%) prescribed mistaken dosage. It can be stated that the irresponsible sale of medication, for the dependents of pharmacies, as well as auto-medication, bring noxious outcome for the patient's health. The professional training and the practice of ethical moral values to the dependents of pharmacies, will avoid possible deteriorations in patients' health.


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Cómo citar

Ethical aspects in the prescription of drugs for the dependents of pharmacies. (2018). Roca. Revista científico-Educacional De La Provincia Granma, 14(4).