Anthropological and demographical study of the potential athletes from 9-14 years old, from a mountainous municipality (Review)


  • Luis Alberto Sancesario Pérez National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation
  • Francisco Aliaga Núñez University of Granma
  • René Jorge Romero Esquivel National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation

Palabras clave:

genetic pile; crossbreeding; growth and development


It was performed a non experimental and transversal research, to identify physical anthropological patterns on children from 9 to 14 years old, from a Cuba’s mountainous municipality. To statistical processing the proportions calculation, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Kendall's W coefficient of concordance, one sample T-student test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene tests was applied. It was concluded that the researched population: are experimenting a strong crossbreeding process, where even predominates individuals whose ethnic external traits show certain Amerindian trend; have different growth and development patterns in relation to the rest of Cuban nation; and due to their inferior stature regarding to the rest of the country, possesses conditions little favorable for those sports whose structure of performance demands very high statures.


Los datos de descarga aún no están disponibles.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Francisco Aliaga Núñez, University of Granma

    Titular Professor

  • René Jorge Romero Esquivel, National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation

    Titular Researcher. Titular Professor. Researches Center of Cuban Sport


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Cómo citar

Anthropological and demographical study of the potential athletes from 9-14 years old, from a mountainous municipality (Review). (2019). Revista científica Olimpia, 16(53), 100-115.