Assertive communication in the comprehensive training of the Physical Culture professional (Revisión)



The research is focused on assertive communication as a mediator of the training process of the Physical Culture professional, a tool to change and transform the thinking, acting and communication between human beings, either in the educational or social field. Assertiveness in professional training is beneficial from a cognitive, psychological and pedagogical point of view, it intervenes in personal relationships as a facilitator of optimal understanding and empathy between the teacher and students, significantly enhances the results of the teaching process learning, and guarantees a better knowledge management, according to the new requirements and the final result that the graduate must achieve, who must reveal a high level of competence, comprehensiveness and commitment from the assertive communication itself and puts their knowledge based on the society. These aspects require theoretical and methodological preparation and lead to their implementation and the transformation of interpersonal relationships effectively. The study population is framed in the group of teachers and students of the first year of the degree, in the Faculty of Physical Culture of the University of Granma.


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Cómo citar

Assertive communication in the comprehensive training of the Physical Culture professional (Revisión). (2021). Revista científica Olimpia, 18(3), 115-127.