English Teaching with Face-to-Face and E-blended Modality: Do they Complement or Oppose? (Original)


Palabras clave:

blended learning; technologies; face-to-face learning; self-learning


The didactic and pedagogy achievements make possible the application of technologies to educative models and learning environments which enable the introduction of changes in the educative and instructive strategies. Also the use of technologies in the teaching-learning process make possible the use of learning modalities that demands to be centered on self-learning and in the student. The objective is to determine the effectiveness of the blended-learning model in comparison with the traditional one in a specialty of Granma University. To measure the variables, the subjects in the experimental group received Blended Learning, while those in the control group received the face-to-face modality. It is concluded that positive results were achieved in B-learning, and it should be as effective as the face-to-face model. Besides blended learning method proved to stimulate the formation of mechanisms that allow the self-access to knowledge.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • William Sosa Tamayo, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo, Cuba.

    Especialista. Prof. Auxiliar.

  • Aniuska Carrazana Cedeño, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo, Cuba.

    Master en Ciencias. Asistente.


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Cómo citar

English Teaching with Face-to-Face and E-blended Modality: Do they Complement or Oppose? (Original). (2021). Roca. Revista científico-Educacional De La Provincia Granma, 17(3), 440-453. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/roca/article/view/2643