Developing the Speaking Skill in Cuban Primary Schools through Language Games (Original)


Palabras clave:

language games; speaking skill; primary school; dynamic; descriptors


The following article is part of a term paper aimed at developing the speaking skill through the application of language games due to the necessity of developing this skill in primary school students. It addresses its attention to a system of language games that contributes to the development of the above-mentioned skill by practicing the linguistic content after the system of knowledge of each unit of the syllabus has been introduced in the English lessons.

The research work is important because it helps to develop the teaching learning process of oral communication in English among these students. The system of language games, linguistic and communicative, is a great contribution to the primary school bibliographical system. It facilitates developing the speaking skill in a practical and dynamic way, favouring the process of oral communication in the foreign language. A very important value is that students are assessed using the levels of the Common European Framework of References to the Languages.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Yanelis de la Paz Figueredo, (5th Year Student), Universidad de Granma

    Foreign Languages 5th Year Student. Faculty of Midle Higher Education. University of Granma. Bayamo. Cuba

  • Eduardo Escalona Pardo, (M. Sc.), Universidad de Granma

    Assistant Professor. Master in Sciences of Education. Department of Foreign Languages. University of Granma. Bayamo. Cuba

  • Yusimí Frías Reyes, (M. Sc.), Universidad de Granma

    Assistant Professor. Master in Sciences of Education. Department of Foreign Languages. University of Granma. Bayamo. Cuba


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Investigación universitaria