Motivation test for members of innovation projects in sports organizations. Specificities in the boxistic activity (Original)


  • Marcos Alexis Serrano Tamayo Universidad de Granma
  • Héctor Ivan Rivas Cun Universidad de Machala
  • Ronald Garcés Quilambaqui Universidad de Machala
  • Luis Felipe Ordoñez Universidad de Machala


Motivation is one of the variables recognized in most of the methodologies studied for the management of innovation by projects in the sports context, however, the search for effective instruments to measure it is a problem to solve, in this context the perception that have the members of the projects on macromotivating factors and micromotivators in the organization is a good indicator. To evaluate the theoretical and empirical validity of an instrument to measure the motivation of the heads of innovation projects in the sports context. On the one hand the theoretical validity is developed from the numerical taxonomy and on the other the reliability, sensitivity, is valued through the empirical study developed in the Faculty of Physical Culture of Granma, through a successful project, taking as a case of I study his boss with a retest in three moments. The economy and utility is valued through experts with the peer comparison as a procedure. It was possible to confirm from the theoretical and practical point of view the fulfillment of its validity, reliability, sensitivity, economy and utility, despite the small sample size. The instrument developed has validity to measure the motivation of the heads of innovation projects in sports organizations.


Los datos de descarga aún no están disponibles.


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Cómo citar

Motivation test for members of innovation projects in sports organizations. Specificities in the boxistic activity (Original). (2019). Revista científica Olimpia, 14(44), 224-234.